12/21/2010 Happy Birthday Abby!!! Today Abby turns 5!!! We woke up to find that our Elf BJ had decorated the living room for Abby's birthday, there were streamers everywhere, balloons and even presents!!
While we were all at work Pops and Abby were hard at work making her birthday cake. She said she wanted a pink cake with white fluffy icing and lots of sprinkles. It turned out so pretty and tasted yummy!
GranJan gave her 5 dollars, the next birthday figurine in her collection and Pops gave her another pearl to add to her necklace. BJ gave her a stuffed horse she HAD TO HAVE, and we gave her a game to add to our collection.
We went by the church to pick up her cheerleading uniform and pom poms.
The mess was still there when we got home.