Merry Christmas! Abby woke up at 8:00 and ran into our bedroom and said "SANTA CAME AND HE BROUGHT A BUNCH OF PRESENTS!!!" She is really into playing school and so she got a bunch of cute pencils, notebooks, stickers, and a ton of little things she has been asking for, she got roller skates, and Dorothy's red slippers in her stocking. After she opened every last gift and was totally content I asked her if she got everything that she had asked Santa for, she thought about it and she was satisfied with what all she had gotten. We kept asking her if she got EVERYTHING she asked for and we finally had to ask her "Didn't you want something else big that you jump on?" She still didn't get it, so we told her to go look out the window in the backyard.She was so surprised when she saw a huge trampoline right outside the kitchen window. (You mean Santa could have gotten away without bring that huge trampoline???) Santa didn't get to tie down the net in time with all the wind and rain we have been having but, he did bring her a trampoline.

Jasons family came over for breakfast and then my mom and dad came with Carlee and Madison, and stayed awhile, then Jasons Aunt Kay and Uncle Rick came by. We had a wonderful Christmas, it just doesn't get any better than this, Abby being at such a great age, and having all of our family here to share all these moments with!