(1/13/10) After I picked Abby up from school she and I did a little shopping and had lunch at McDonald's. I took a few pictures, especially while she was enjoying her icecream. She had a coupon for a free dessert and so she prissed her little self up to the counter all by herself and said can I have a icream cone please. She is so big!! She enjoyed every last bite. She said she wanted to play but when she got out there she said it was cold and there was nobody to play with.

Not much has been going on since Christmas, it is just too cold to even go outside. So since I wasn't blogging when she was younger, and there is not alot of picture taking right now, I thought I would do Way Back Wednesdays. Just random pictures over the past 3 years or so.
(8/21/06)This is Abby and Carlee at our old house. This was one day GranJan and Pops had Carlee and stopped by to let the girls play. Abby was 8 months and Carlee was 1year and 8months.