We went to Grammy and Grand Bobs house where we ate and then Cherry read her annual poem of what all has happened to each of us during the year, then we all go on a hunt for our gifts, we find one clue that leads us to the next, we did this about 5 times then we finally found our gifts, we had fun doing it. Abby loved her horse that Grammy gave her and her red headed doll Uncle Jabbo gave her.

Then we were off to GranJan and Pops house to eat again, and then time for gifts, GranJan wanted them to wear their matching white dresses, because they were getting their American Girl bitty baby dolls with matching outfits. They also got real violins and violin lesson, I think we were in shock and forgot to take pictures of that but I will take some and post.

GranJan and I helped the girls make a gingerbread house, they were into too.

Didn't they do good?!

They had matching PJ's to match their babies. Then they watched the news to see where Santa was, and when the weather man said it was time for little kids to get into bed they all screamed, and said they were ready to go!!