(5\26\12) Today is Abby's dance recital!!!She got her cast off yesterday and has this huge boot on. I'm so nervous taking it off to bath her and making sure I get it back on tight enough. I had to be on my toes at the recital and I was definitely holding my breath that she did not trip or hurt herself on stage with this thing one. We had rehearsal, in the am and then back later for the recital.

She did so good out there, bless her sweet little heart.

She did so good out there, bless her sweet little heart.
we made silly faces.
Then it was time for her second number and she did so good again, she even started out and ended on her knees.

Then it was time for awards, I did not get any good pictures because it went so fast and I was backstage so I couldn't see her good but GranJan got good video of Jason taking her flowers and her getting her 3 year award, a medallion. Then they did they did the finale, I was so nervous and made sure she was on the end so she wouldn't get run over when they changed lines.

Alright so we made it through her recital, she liked the recital but just doesn't love dance so I don't think she will take again, I can't help but think she is going to be a cowgirl instead...theses are spurs for her boots that GranJan got her for her surprise and she could not be happier.