(5\4\12) I got home from work to find Jason holding Abby, she had fallen off the money bars in our backyard and was crying with her leg. She could not put any pressure on it but had started crying more once I go home so we weren't sure if she was exaggerating or not. We thought that she might have twisted her ankle or really bruised the bone, we just weren't sure, she did not have any swelling but we knew something was wrong because she never did shake it off but I just knew the next morning she would be able to put pressure on it...well the next morning came and when she could not stand on it I felt horrible, I got her to Dr. Farr's office immediately. When he showed me the xray my heart sank and I could not even think straight. He assured me that it was fine that I had not brought her in the night before. He then sent me to the orthopedic specialist across the hospital, I flew over there carrying this 45 pound girl. When we got there and signed in Jason called and said how is my girl, well we are waiting to get a cast on I told him and I swear he made it from downtown to the hospital faster than I made it across the campus. She did awesome and they casted her up. We had to go get her a walker but the ladies said you really could get her a wheelchair. Well my child was not having either one, she wanted crutches and the ladies really disagreed with me when I said well she is pretty coordinated for a 6 year old so I want to let her try them and they were shocked when she did great on them. She was excited about it and we left there with little bitty crutches. She was suppose to have her field day today, and of course missed it, we went by the school to talk to her teacher, and show off her new leg. Mrs. Hipp was so great and said she would carry Abby up and down the stairs and not to worry about anything and she did a great job taking care of my baby, thank goodness there were only a few weeks left in the school year because I'm sure it took extra time and patients to have a student on crutches. I got to take her in her class room and Pops picked her up from her classroom each day. She has to wear a cast but may get a boot in time for her dance recital. But she will definitely still be in a cast\boot when we go to the beach the next day :(
Later that night we had tickets to the Barons game with our girl scouts troop! Haley Carlee, Abby and Tabor all went and had a really good time, Aunt Donna brought Abby a bag of goodies from the gift shop including sharpies so everyone could sign her cast. After the game we camped out in the outfield, Carlee didn't stay but the rest of us did and let me say it was a lot of work. We all had to leave the inside of the stadium, and wait in a line outside for quite a while and then they opened the gates and we all headed down to the field with pillows, sleeping bags and TENTS. Jason stayed and he really did alot, making trips back and forth, and setting up the tent. Abby had to be carried of course and the bathrooms were all the way back up at the top. Once we got settled in it was fun, they had a movie playing on the big scoreboard and all the popcorn you could eat. The biggest problem I had was that the grass was SOOO SOOO fine and WET that it stuck to everything, and since Abby's cast was brand new I was trying hard to keep it clean. Oh and then in the middle of the night Tabor threw up! She had just a little too much of all that free popcorn. The next morning we could not get out of there fast enough, we had fun but I for one was ready to get home.