The school year is officially over, last night was the graduation program for Abby's preschool, the ceremony was short and sweet and she sang her little songs so good, she was cute on stage. I know now for sure I have to get a better camera, I could zoom way is but the pictures did not turn out well and with so much going on I couldn't get her and her friends attention long enough for my slow camera to get good pictures. Maybe soon, I know I would get good use of it as much as I love to take pictures.

Abby and Emma, I could not hardly get Emma to look at me, she would smile but her eyes were always looking away.

Emma, Abby and Breanna with their diplomas, it had a yellow smiley face and said GOOD JOB :) I hope Abby has made friends for years to come, we are going to Breanna's birthday in a few weeks and Emma's too I love that she has such good friends already. (I know Abby is not smiling but the other two were, and I'm telling you I was having a hard time getting them to all smile at once and wait on my slow camera, so this is the best I got!)

We are going to miss Mrs. Kelley she was such a great teacher, and Abby just loved her, she gave her a hug every single day, if she forgot and got all the way out to the truck when Pops would pick her up she would have to go all the way back in to give her a hug. She made a scrapbook of the whole year with her preschool diploma, pictures and artwork, they made so many cute things and she learned so much, we could not have been happier with her first year of preschool. She was always ready to got to school and she is excited about being in Mrs. Rachael's room next year! This is a collection of some of the bigger pieces of art she has made through the year.