(3/13/10)GranJan bought us tickets to the Wizard of Oz show at the BJCC. We had a great time, and the show was terrific. Abby has been obsessed with this movie since before Christmas and has been so excited about this night.(This picture was after the show, and I think they were just about tired of smiling for me.)

We weren't allow do take pictures in the theatre, so these are before the show and a few afterwards. These girls got SO much attention when we got there, everybody thought they were precious, and they were but jeez it was embarrassing how much attention they got, they parted the way and everybody was looking,talking,commenting,asking questions! They held hands and skipped around the lobby, they were too cute.

The show was so so good, the special effects were amazing! The girls were mesmerized, Abby never took her eyes off the stage, and after a song when everybody would clap she would clap her little heart out. She said she stuck her tongue out at the bad witch but she liked her at the end when she was nice(when they all came back out on stage). And when Dorothy held Toto and made him wave she was holding her Toto and made him wave back at her. She really really loves her and she IS Dorothy when she puts her dress on. I loved watching her you could tell it was magical to her:)

I think this will be a night they will remember. I know we will.