2/11/09 Abby and I got her Valentines and treat bags all ready for school, she was so cute picking who was going to get which valentine card and then I would write their names on them. Then she fixed the bags for each of them and I tied them, she did such a good job and we had a lot of fun. Then it was time to go to gymnastics, I got to take her only because I got off work early and I was glad I did because she got to do a cheer for her teacher that we made up and had been practicing all week and she did good in class showing her, Mrs. Stacy really teaches them to do the motions correctly so she looks like a real teeny tiny cheerleader.
This is what Abby and I made for Mrs.Kelley, pens that look like flowers, I hope she likes it, Abby did so we had to make one for her, well we had to make one for Mrs. Kelley because Abby took claim on the first one:). She was soooo disappointed that school was canceled because they were suppose to have their Valentine party, she was so sad but we talked about how much fun it was going to be playing in the snow and we were still going to have the party in a few days so everything was okay until we woke up this morning and there was no snow!!! She said she just wanted to go to Pops house because there was no snow and no party and just Pops loves her. I think Pops ranks #1 most of the time. This is a picture of her playroom closet that is her classroom/dress-up closet, we are going to paint the bottom half with chalkboard paint. She loves to play in here.