Doctor Day
(2/24/10)We started our day going to see Dr. Farr for Abbys 4 year old check up. She is 34lbs., she is in the 50th percentile now. She had to get 4 shots and the flu mist. She did great during the visit but of course she did cry during the shots. After our visit we had to check out the gift shop for a prize and then a stop by DQ for an ice cream cone. We went home for a quick nap and then it was time to go to the dentist, she did great during her cleaning and no cavities! Notice the picture of her with the towel over her eyes, that's because she told Candi the light was too bright, she is such a princess. She had so much fun because after she was done and it was my turn, she was off to visit the other rooms and went through everybodys goody box. I think she will always like going to the dentist with visits like that. The picture of her on the phone, she was telling her daddy about her shots and she has definitely been milking it, I have had to carry her all day, I'm sure it does hurt and I won't be able to carry her much longer so I have been pampering her, she loves it.

(2/21/10)Today Abby had pictures made at dance. I didn't get any real good pictures, but I got one of her friend Layton that lives down the street and Haley that she goes to church with. They were so cute and she did great on her individual picture, she had the cutest smile and I was just so proud of her, she is so big and does so good for things like this. She loved putting on real make-up, she has the longest eyelashes that you can't usually see. I can't wait till the recital in May, I know she is going to do great.
Valentines Party at School
(2/16/10)Today was Abbys Valentine Party at school. It was suppose to be Friday but with the snow and no school on Monday they had it today and thankfully I was able to go. I love being apart of all that Abby does, these little parties may not be a big deal but I am glad I am able to be there and I think Abby is happy I am there too.
They played while we got everything ready, then it was time to eat and pass out Valentines! She made me a Valentine with a poem and her handprints! I love it!

(2/14/10)Abby was so patient waiting on her Valentines, she knew I had it in my closet and never tried to look. Then this morning I had set everything up in her playroom but we were running late for church and I knew I would not have time to take pictures and let her play with her things if she opened everything before we left so she said "Okay, I'll just wait till we get home", but she was very excited!
She was so sweet seeing her gifts.
I told her this one was for her bear and her so she tore into it and she loved it.
I don't think she really knew what to think about her huge card.
She got little things, like a necklace lip gloss and stickers and she got a big pillow because she loves to make pallets to watch tv. She got a Leap Frog Tag, she is into reading and sounding out words so I hope she likes it.
They made me the sweetest card. I love that it was homemade.
We had lunch at Johnny Rockets, she thought the jukebox was so fun, only 5cents and it plays the song you choose, how cute. The smiley face ketchup, cool spinning stools and the chocolate milkshake, I'm sure she will be asking to go back there to eat.

Snow day
(2/12/10)Around 10:00 this morning if finally started to snow and kept snowing all day until around 5:00. (Abby was putting a valentine in the mailbox for our neighbors.)
We decided to get out and see all the snow in case we couldn't get out later so we picked up GranJan from work and went to The Crackle Barrel, we sat by the window and watched it snow, I had to get a picture of Abby with this huge bottle of chocolate because it fits her so well. After looking around for a while we took GJ back to work. When we got home there was enough snow to play in.
The drive home was so pretty.
Abby knew exactly what to do. She had the best time.
Snow angles, and snow balls!!
We had a snow ball fight with the neighbors kids. And build a snow princess?!

2/11/09 Abby and I got her Valentines and treat bags all ready for school, she was so cute picking who was going to get which valentine card and then I would write their names on them. Then she fixed the bags for each of them and I tied them, she did such a good job and we had a lot of fun. Then it was time to go to gymnastics, I got to take her only because I got off work early and I was glad I did because she got to do a cheer for her teacher that we made up and had been practicing all week and she did good in class showing her, Mrs. Stacy really teaches them to do the motions correctly so she looks like a real teeny tiny cheerleader.
This is what Abby and I made for Mrs.Kelley, pens that look like flowers, I hope she likes it, Abby did so we had to make one for her, well we had to make one for Mrs. Kelley because Abby took claim on the first one:). She was soooo disappointed that school was canceled because they were suppose to have their Valentine party, she was so sad but we talked about how much fun it was going to be playing in the snow and we were still going to have the party in a few days so everything was okay until we woke up this morning and there was no snow!!! She said she just wanted to go to Pops house because there was no snow and no party and just Pops loves her. I think Pops ranks #1 most of the time. This is a picture of her playroom closet that is her classroom/dress-up closet, we are going to paint the bottom half with chalkboard paint. She loves to play in here.
Busy Tuesdays
(2/2/10)Tuesdays are so busy for this little girl. She goes to school, and while she is at school she goes to Tumblebus which is action packed fun and moving. Then her Pops and Madison pick her and Carlee up, they have a few minutes to eat a quick bite and then off to violin lessons, they get back just in time to get changed for dance at 4:00. I took off work to join the fun and see how lessons were going, so I got to take a few pictures. She still has to have her nap during the day so she is so worn out by the time Jason picks her up from dance she is asleep in the car before she gets home.
Pops was doing a lesson review with them on how to hold the bow, I never knew there was that much to violin, but they are learning the basic which are also the most important, she can already hold the bow and the violin the correct way, I am so proud of her because she is taking it serious and hopefully she will want to stick with it.
Pops has his hands FULL with these three little girls!!
A worn out ballerina.
Lazy weekends
1/27/09 We took Abby to the circus on opening night, she and Jason came to get me from work just like last year. We had a great time, we usually get there early for the pre show and she gets to see the elephant up close while he paints a picture,she got a tattoo this year, last year there was a red headed girl clown that was so cute, she wanted her to come home with us so bad. She liked the horses and she got a diary with a glittery horse on the front, I was shocked it was only $5.00, and that was all she wanted, I definitely got out cheap this time! She loved the "ballerinas"(the acrobats) she came home and practiced twirling with her neon glow necklaces around her arms because she is going to work in the circus when she gets big:).
Circus 2009. It was fun to watch her, she was amazed with all the lights and action we had great seats and at the very end they shot confetti right above where we were sitting, that was fun.
Circus 2007. This year she fell asleep half way through!

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