(1/17/10)Abby and I were talking about maybe it was time to get her ears pierced and we talked about how bad it would hurt, I told her it would only hurt for a few seconds after they did it. She decided it was time because she was a big girl, she said I don't care if it hurts. Walmart was the only place that could do both at the same time and they had the cutest earring I had seen so that is where we went. The ladies that did it were great. Abby picked out the ones she wanted then they cleaned her ears, and marked the spot.

Then they showed her the guns with the earrings in it, she was a little nervous but did great, after they pierced her ears I was waiting on her to cry but she never did, she looked a little shook up but never cried! They held up a mirror so she could see and she just smiled. She is such a big girl. We saw several people there that we knew and she was showing off her new earrings.

I had to make good on my promise to go to ToysRUs. She has been wanting these text messaging things since before Christmas, I kept telling her that she doesn't know how to spell yet but she said I can too and insisted that this is what she wants. Her teacher has one and so she thinks she needs one too. Anyway that is what she got as her prize.