Sunday after church we went to the Loveless Park Baptist Church Pumpkin Patch at Shadow Lake. Here is Abby getting her face painted!

And sitting pretty in front of one of the many decorations

I was suprised when Abby was digging for those nasty fake rats, a few weeks ago she would have been screeming, they are ever changing aren't they.

She had so much fun throwing chunks of corn on the cob through the pumpkins.

She was throwing the "eggs" into the hens basket, she has a pretty good arm on her, too bad she is not intrested in softball at all.

Abby made a friend and had so much fun on the huge blow up slide, she wore herself out.

It was such a perfect day for the pumpkin patch and espically for a hay ride, her favorite song is Big Green Tractor and starts smiling and singing when it comes on so we HAD to ride on the Big Green Tractor (not the orange one, we held out for the green one).