(8/13&8/14)We went to Alabama Adventure, I guess we and the other car that drove up were the only people that didn't know they were closed during the week now! So we spent the day shopping and we went out to eat. Any day I'm off work and spending the day with my girl is a good day. We got home and she had to dressed up, I never know what she is going to put on!

A little while later we got in the pool while we were waiting on her daddy to get home, and she spotted a couple of ants, she took it upon herself to get the net and get them out, I'm telling you this girl does not like bugs.

FINALLY she is jumping off the side!! We have tried to get her to jump for 2 years now and today she decided to and loved it of course, so she is jumping like crazy.

Jason was off today so while he was cutting grass his sister was watching Abby at his mom and dads house so they went swimming. Abby looks like such a big girl next to Maggie, wasn't it just the other day she was this small?

Abby jumping off the side and loving it, laying out on the float, and is that her in the deep end?

When I got home from work Abby said "Tabor isn't home but Rhett wants me to go with him to ride my bicycle" so here we are walking the neighborhood, she has a long way to go before we will be taking her training wheels off.