Jerry and Madison
(8/29/09)Jerry and Madison came over this morning an hung out a while.
They all got in the pool but Abby was a little moody and barely got in.
At 5 we went to a water play party at Abbys school, she was more interested in the playground than the blow up slides, I guess she is just burned out on water play.
But she thought the water guns? were fun, notice I got hit and so did my camera, but it seems to work okay although you can see water in the screen.

Signing up for dance
(8/26/09)Before we went to sign up for dance I had a surprise for Abby. She loved it, I love buying her things where ever I go, then I am constantly picking this up around the house but I know it won't last long that I can buy her a $1.75 necklace and it make her this happy!
Abby has not hardly taken these tap shoes off, she loves to here them clicking when she walks.
After we got Abby signed up for dance she wanted to show baby Maggie her new tap shoes!

Abby got a DS
(2/22/09)This was back in February but I thought any chance I get I would blog old pictures, since I just recently started a blog. So this is when Abby got her DS. Lanie got one for Christmas and Abby loved it, Lanie let her borrow it for a day and when she had to give it back she was sooo upset, it was so sad. Her Uncle Jabbo saw how sad she was so later that night he came over, he had bought her one, he bought a game too! She was running around the house saying I can't believe I have a DS!! (over and over and over and over) It was the sweetest thing.

(8/25/09)How many little girls can fit on a power wheels
4-wheeler? I think 3 is the limit!
GranJan and Pops took Carlee and Abby to Madisons house on Tuesday for her real birthday in Clanton. They had such a good time because they don't get to go to her house much!
They took Bar-b-Que, an ice cream cake.
Pops does the add a pearl necklace for all three girls for their birthday, and GranJan gives them a birthday girl figurine. Then they also got Madison a DS!
(8/2/09)Jason got Dusty loaded up for the first time and took him to the horse show he did really good from what I heard, they entered him in the tack walk and the cake walk. Carlee and Abby rode him in both events and won something in both events too!
They had fun playing silly games with a big kid at the horse show. GranJan took Abby and they met Jason and Tammy Abby had so much fun and came home exhausted.
But when she got home Tabor was here waiting on her so they started playing and then wanted to swim.
They swam for a while but as you can see Abby was pooped, she sat in the lounge chair more than she swam, what a strange sight.
But she got her second wind and they played outside the rest of the night. They are so cute riding in their Jeeps, listening to the radio.
Nothing last long and they were on to something else. They would get at the top of the driveway pick up their feet and fly down the driveway.

On the way to school
(8/19/09)On the way to take Abby to school Wednesday, I turned around and this is what she had in her lap, I have never seen this school bus before and she didn't say anything about it while she was putting her bear in it, I just turned to tell her something when I saw what she had done and was just sitting there I thought it was the cutest thing and I was cracking up which made her start laughing. It was a good way to start the morning.
1st Day of School! K-3
(8/17/09)Today is Abbys first day of school, last year she went to Moms Day Out days a week, but now she will be going 5 days a week to a new place and she has not skipped a beat she was excited and ready to go. She wanted to pick out her outfit and backpack, she is so independent! Of course there is nothing in her backpack but she doesn't care, she will put her bear in there so when Pops picks her up she will have it but today since I am going to picking her up she wanted "him" to stay in her car seat, I couldn't believe it, that bear goes everywhere with her, but I guess she wanted to tackle school all by herself. We took cookies for all her friends and that is a note she is holding saying Mrs.Pat K-3, Welcome Back To School! Love-Abby. I was hanging around a few minutes at the door, to make sure she was okay, but she was fine i guess it was more for me than it was for her! I know she is going to learn so much this year, I am so proud to be her mom.

(8/15/09)Trade Days: This picture of Abby in the rocking chair was her caught in the moment, she was off in another world, then of course we had to ride the train, then we went to eat a Buffalo Wild Wings.
Sweet & Sassy: Need I say more, this is just such a girly place and she loves to go there to get the glitter put in her hair a sucker and most of all that purple star on her cheek! She always does so good.
Baby Maggie: This is the sweetest little baby, she will be 5 months old next week and is getting the best personality, it's so easy to make her smile.

(8/14/09)Today was orientation at Abbys new school. Pops will be picking her up everyday, so he felt like he needed to be there too. He has been keeping her since she was 12 weeks old. He spends more time with her than I do. He wouldn't know what to do with out her and she wouldn't know what to do without him!! I think we are really going to like her new school, she wanted to stay today but her class doesn't start until Monday. She has always done so great with any kind of class, she just tells you bye then goes right on in.
Just play around in the yard after a walk around the neighborhood, deciding where to go eat... Sometimes it's just more fun watching you trike go down the hill all by its self instead of riding it. And when you can't find your binoculars, you just make do with what God gave you.
Pizza Hut it is. My batteries died just a few minutes after we got there so I didn't get any good pictures but it was such a simple family night I wanted to have something to post. So all I can say is after spending $5.00 trying to win a dolphin Jason finally gave up as bad as he hated to since she was sad, but I know that it would be old news by the time we got home. This is a fake picture of them playing the driving game because my batteries died during the real game but I got just enough juice to take a phony shot. And then there was the pickle and lemon, although she loves salad and ate some, she eats pickles and lemons any chance she gets. Yuck! So anyway a great day and a great night.
(8/13&8/14)We went to Alabama Adventure, I guess we and the other car that drove up were the only people that didn't know they were closed during the week now! So we spent the day shopping and we went out to eat. Any day I'm off work and spending the day with my girl is a good day. We got home and she had to dressed up, I never know what she is going to put on!
A little while later we got in the pool while we were waiting on her daddy to get home, and she spotted a couple of ants, she took it upon herself to get the net and get them out, I'm telling you this girl does not like bugs.
FINALLY she is jumping off the side!! We have tried to get her to jump for 2 years now and today she decided to and loved it of course, so she is jumping like crazy.
Jason was off today so while he was cutting grass his sister was watching Abby at his mom and dads house so they went swimming. Abby looks like such a big girl next to Maggie, wasn't it just the other day she was this small?
Abby jumping off the side and loving it, laying out on the float, and is that her in the deep end?
When I got home from work Abby said "Tabor isn't home but Rhett wants me to go with him to ride my bicycle" so here we are walking the neighborhood, she has a long way to go before we will be taking her training wheels off.

Happy Birthday Madison!
(8/9/09)Today was Madison's birthday party at Oak Mountain, she will be turn 4 on the 25th. She had a luau themed party and the children had a blast. She got so many great presents. They had her party a little early because her mama is going to be ready to pop by the 25th, with baby boy Bronson.
We definitely have water babies, these girls know exactly what to do when they see water. They are not afraid of it at all, except the catfish that were swimming around, then the whole beach could, hear those girls screaming!
First time to the dentist
(8/5/09)Today Abby went to the dentist for the first time, and she had no cavities! She did so good, we talked about the whole thing before we went and she did great! She was excited about going, but I though after we went and she and knew for sure what it was all about she would never want to go back but she was fine she said she would go again next time.
After Dr.Jones checked her out, and she got a fluoride treatment, she got to pick out some cool prizes, her Grammy made sure of that! She had a great experience, thanks Dr.Jones, Candy and to Grammy.
Sylvan Springs
(8/4/09)Tonight was Sylvan Springs National Night Out, so we walked to the ballpark where it was being held we had fun hanging out with the neighbors in our small town. They had hot dogs, drinks etc. they had 2 blow ups for the children and firetrucks,K9dogs, and all kinds of information booths. We ran into our neighbors Jeremy and Paige they had there 3 girls there, this is Layton their middle child, she is Abbys age and is such a little sweetie.
We also caught up with Kerri and her bunch, Abby and Tabor went down that huge slide a thousand times!
(8/2/09)Abby on "Tinkerbell", she always names the one she rides and some of the others too, she named the one in front of her Dusty because he had spots just like her real pony does. I never even realized she knew he had spots because they are small and hard to see. She always surprises me, she is so smart.
Decisions, decisions.....all these clothes, what to buy? And she had to give her bear a quick bath!
So Jason and I are just sitting there, Abby and her friends are in her playroom, then here they come, my camera was right there so I had to take pictures of this conversation I was having with a 6,5,4 and 3 year old. Mason lives down the street and I know his mom and would have no problem with Abby going down there if she was older but they were asking if they could all go to Masons house, they said they would be careful and notice the "map" in Tabors hands, "they had a short cut", I just laughed and said no I don't think so, but they were serious and continued on begging. I looked at Jason and said am I really having this conversation? Abby had her Minnie Mouse phone and said she would call me if she needed anything! They just crack me up. So anyway I ended up walking them down there and let them all run around in Masons yard for a few minutes and that was good enough. I guess this is just the beginning!
(8/1/09)This is the dress up outfit for the day. She has such an imagination. What was she thinking? High heels, ballerina outfit, guitar, and a backpack? I don't know but she thought she was something!
Abby and Tabor have been playing most of the day and swam of course, but now they are at Tabors house, I can't believe that Abby is still over there. She always wanted to play here, but she is venturing out. Tabor has two older brothers so there is no telling what she will come home saying. They came back in the rain with their cute little umbrellas just long enough to ask if she could eat dinner with them. She is only 3 but so grown up all of the sudden.
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